School Bus Safety Reminder

School Bus Safety Tips

School Bus Safety Reminder 


More than 33,000 HRCE students take the school bus. Making sure they have a safe and happy trip to and from school is very important to us. Please talk with your child about school bus safety on a regular basis. Students should tell their bus driver and/or school principal if they have any problems. 

Here are some important safety tips: 

Bus Stop Safety 

  • Be on time for the bus. Don't run to or from the bus. 
  • Stand back when the bus arrives and give everyone space. Get on or off the bus one at a time. 
  • Always cross the road in front of the bus. Walk to a spot where you can see the driver. When they signal it’s safe, walk to the middle of the road. STOP, LOOK, and LISTEN, then cross when it’s safe. 
  • Never crawl under the bus or cross the road from behind it. 

School Bus Safety 

  • Respect and listen to the driver. Their job is to focus on the road, so avoid distracting them. 
  • Respect others and your space. 
  • Keep noise levels down. 
  • Stay seated while the bus is moving. 
  • Keep your arms, legs, and head inside the bus. 
  • Do not throw anything inside or outside the bus. 
  • Keep the aisle clear. 

Did you know: It's illegal for drivers to pass a school bus when it has stopped with its red lights flashing. Bus drivers will activate their amber lights 150m before they stop as a warning to motorists.   

More information about HRCE student transportation and school bus safety can be found here.